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Make Pups Smarter With Pup Pod
PupPod is the first toy designed to increase dog brainpower.
15:08 20 June 2017
Kirkland's Erick Eidus has developed PupPod, the first toy that aims to increase dog brainpower. It uses lights and sounds to keep dogs busy.
Eidus said: "It's pretty revolutionary there's nothing in the market like this,”
"It's a multilevel puzzle game for dogs,”
"It sounds kind of nerdy but really, in essence we're building a computer for dogs."
"Your phone will beep and tell you to provide a treat. If anybody's heard of clicker training, this is clicker training to humans to give treats at the right time,” said Eidus. "Then if the pet parent doesn't want to be the dispenser then we have optional Bluetooth dispensers and you can automate the process.”
Eidus has tested the toy, which offers progressively challenging games to ensure that dogs are never bored, and says it prevents behaviours like chewing and barking.
Joey Iversen, a professional trainer who has brought in a dog to try the toy, said: "Separation anxiety, all these kinds of things can be benefited by doing these types of activities,”
The toy, which is available at PupPod.com retails for aroung £150